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Counselling Services

Whether you’re a concerned parent, a family or an individual adult looking for help - our therapeutic services are designed to strengthen your confidence, and assist you in the healing process. Take a look at the services offered and get in touch today.


Using a variety of play therapy techniques, your child's natural language of play will help us process their emotions in a safe environment. 
Initial appointments are for meeting with caregivers. Play therapy sessions can be done either online or in person.

Individual Counselling

All the clinicians at Headstart are trained in various expressive therapeutic techniques that can be combined with traditional talk therapy on an individual basis to achieve therapeutic progress outside of the play setting.


Family Play Therapy

In working with families, there is value in gearing interventions to the youngest member of the family. This means family work at Headstart is playful and requires full participation. Family Play Therapy is informed by modalities such as attachment therapy, Theraplay(C), and Filial Therapy.


Supervision services are available for RCT candidates, play therapy interns and external supervision for masters level practicum students. 

Inquire about upcoming availability.

Fees start at $150 for 50 minute session. Receipts are provided for reimbursement under eligible extended health insurance plans.

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